Zerella Skies – Exploited College Girls


Today we have very enthusiastic 20 year-old Zerella Skies. This girl has been begging to do porn and we got her first sex on camera back on 11/19/2020. We’ve been holding onto this one for a little bit but this girl is about to be set loose and she’s coming at you. So Jay picks up Zerella from the airport and right off the bat we can tell this girl is sex starved. She says she likes girls more than boys, but she loves cum. Kinda doesn’t make sense, but when your dicks hard lots of things at the time make sense that don’t. So anyways, Zerella REALLY loves cum. I mean REALLY loves cum. She’s a cum lover. Can’t get enough of the pearly white stuff says this girl. Actually wants to take baths in it she says. Says she would eat it for every meal of the day if she could…