Taylor – Exploited College Girls 1691


Look at that angel face. Look at it! It’ll get stuffed with two cocks and she’s loving every minute of it. Innocent and pure little Taylor only had a handful of boys in her life. Today she’ll add 2 – TWO! – to the roster. Why? Money. Actually, not entirely true – sweet Taylor tells us she’s really interested in just upping her sex game. At 20 she feels like she’s been missing out. We realize this probably means she hangs out with a bunch of slutty friends who fucked dudes in the double digits (hey…referrals, please?). But we take any excuse, really
But money probably is a factor too, after all Taylor wants to be a business owner one day. Unfortunately for her, she actually thinks going to college for Business is the way to be an entrepreneur. Well, we’ll let her find out for herself, shall we?