Welcome back friends! This week we’ve got 18 year old Rissa gracing us with her presence and we are thrilled! Rissa is a gorgeous young lady with some of the best tits I’ve ever seen in my life I swear to god. Rissa is like the gold standard applicant. She’s pretty, she’s young, she’s smiley, bubbly and fun, and as you’re about to see she is a SLUT to her core. Really take a minute and watch the interview you’ll understand what I mean. Now that I’m done gushing, Rissa apparently works in a gas station and can you imagine the attention she gets lol. Might as well get paid for all that attention so she’s here and she’s ready to do the damn thing. As I mentioned, it’s a good interview. She’s got personality for days. The real fun starts when we finally release those DOUBLE D beasts… I mean breasts. They’re everything we hoped for and more, and she’s just smiling standing there in her cute little white panties with that little bow on the front. Back on the couch she gets a little time to play with her pussy for us…
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