Petra – Exploited College Girls 1830


Ok ExCoGi fans, this weeks “Mostly Straight” slut du jour is 25 year old Petra. Yes we ambushed her over on BA and you can already see her scene there, but her very first sex on camera was with our man Cam here on ExCoGi. If you like your girls well spoken and innocent looking while fulfilling all sexual demands/desires without being too slutty about it, then Petra is your type of girl. This girl is super sexual and can cum from just having her labia rubbed, rubbed, and boy did Cam rub those labia! This little whore loves to cum, well who doesn’t, and you can hear her moan and breath heavy all the way through this video on her way to 8 orgasms. Petra really showed what an adventurous type she is when she confessed she had participated in a 30 person party turned Orgy!!! So it was no surprise also at all when this proud little whore confessed her conquest number at 100! 15 of them coming at this party orgy…