There are some events in this universe that are so spectacularly rare and happen only once or twice every 100 years or so, and for that matter might happen only once or twice in someone’s lifetime that it makes them worth noting. A few of these events are Halley’s Comet for one which comes into our solar system only once every 75 to 76 years and will make it’s next appearance again in 2061. Another is an exploding star or supernova that goes off on average only twice a century in a galaxy the size of our Milky Way. Another rarity is when Venus occults or hides Jupiter from earths view, happening only once every 250 years. Even more rare is our solar system’s planetary alignment happening only once ever 1,000 years and won’t occur again until May 6th , 2492 when all 9 planets of our solar system are in a strait line. I will let you ponder that for a few seconds ……… That’s a fucking long time. Almost an eternity some might say, and as the great philosopher Woody Allen once said, ‘eternity is an awful long time, especially towards the end.” But lets talk about sex shall we because I’m just as fascinated with orgasms and just as elusive or rare as a Sasquatch sighting is, the most rare of orgasmic events that tops them all is the Holy Grail of creampies, or as it’s more unfamiliarly called, a Cum Waterfall…
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